Visit Boquillas del Carmen, Mexico from Big Bend National Park

Yes, you can turn your Big Bend hiking trip into an international vacation! Just head to the Boquillas Crossing inside the park, roll up your pants, and wade across the Rio Grande. 🙂 Don’t worry, if you don’t feel like getting your feet wet, you can take a little rowboat for only $5.

Boquillas del Carmen is a small village in Mexico, just across the river from Big Bend National Park.
Boquillas del Carmen, photo courtesy of

How do I get there?

Step one, drive all the way to Big Bend National Park. When your legs can’t handle any more hiking, drive over to the Boquillas Crossing parking lot, park, and pass through the port of entry. Americans and Canadians will need a valid passport to cross (other nationalities will need to call customs at Presidio, TX to find out what docs are required).

Boquillas del Carmen is easily accessed from Big Bend at the Boquillas Crossing.
Boquillas Crossing, photo courtesy of

Once you pass customs, just wade across the river or take a little rowboat over. When you’re there you can walk the half mile to the village of Boquillas del Carmen or continue the transportation smorgasbord by hiring a burro or horse to take you there.

What do I do in Boquillas del Carmen?

First, be sure to check in with Mexican immigration officials when you get there. They’ll charge you about $3 USD and give you a bracelet to show that you’ve paid. After that you can enjoy the town! Boquillas del Carmen is actually a very small village but it does have two restaurants with food that is simple, fresh, and delicious. There is a bar if you want to grab a drink and play pool and of course, there are plenty of handmade goods for sale as well.

Vendors in Boquillas del Carmen will accept USD but if you’re paying in cash, be sure to bring smaller bills. Be aware that it is illegal to buy handmade goods from here while you are on the park side in the U.S. If you want to purchase something, be sure to do it while actually in Boquillas del Carmen.

When can I go?

The accessibility of this border crossing varies by season and other factors. In general, winter hours are Sunday through Wednesday, 9am – 4pm and in summer they’re open over the weekend days, Friday through Monday, 9am – 4pm.

The Boquillas Crossing is very close to hiking on the East side of Big Bend, so you can easily couple a trip to Mexico with a few trails, all in the same day!

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