Life isn’t all bad, all of the time. As a counter to a previous entry about life in Japan, I’m reposting another scene from my time living in Fukuoka. This time, it’s a throwback from my old blog and a good reminder to me about people just being people – being kind, being silly, being […]
Ob la di Ob la da, Life (Doesn’t) Go On

This happened to me when I was an English teacher in a small town in Japan. Iizuka, Japan ~ 2008 We had a three day weekend with Monday off and on that Monday I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and go for a bike ride. I was biking toward the river bank […]
My Japanese House; Part II (but really part I)

A few weeks ago I showed you my apartment in Iizuka, where I worked as an English ALT with the JET Programme. But before I moved to Iizuka, I actually lived in another even smaller town in Japan called Chikuzen-machi and worked as an English teacher with a different company, called Interac. Unlike the JET […]
What Does Teacher Housing in Japan Look Like? Here’s Mine.

In case you were wondering what housing in Japan looks like, here’s a glimpse into where I lived in Iizuka, a city in the Fukuoka prefecture, on Kyushu, the southern island. It’s called a jutaku, and it’s an apartment block that is dedicated to housing teachers and usually has a discounted rent. I lived here […]
That Time I Climbed Mount Fuji…

I’ve been reading a lot in the news lately about Mount Everest and it got me thinking about the time that I climbed Mount Fuji. I’m not sure about Everest, but when you set out to climb Fuji… Continue reading
Throwback Thursday: Thanksgiving in Japan
Thanksgiving is here! I thought it would be fun to share a post from my old blog about the first Thanksgiving I had in Japan. It was one of two non-traditional Thanksgivings I’ve spent in my life. I can’t remember what the first one was, although I mention it in the Japan post so there […]
Throwback Thursday: Sports Day in Japan!
I found the old blog I kept while I was living in Japan and I want to share some posts with you! This was one of the first ones I wrote after moving from Los Angeles to Chikuzen-machi, a tiny town in the Fukuoka prefecture on the island of Kyushu. That’s the island south of […]